Singapore Math


Singapore Math is a program that focuses on the establishment of basic math knowledge and building of foundational math skills. Regular re-visitation of topics and structured approach to introducing and applying concepts promotes a depth of student knowledge. Students are more confident and successful in problem-solving; able to apply their knowledge of math to advanced concepts and math unknowns more efficiently. The strong structure of the program ensures that students learn necessary math skills and knowledge while promoting and developing problem-solving and application of math in the real world.

Singapore Math teachers meet students at their needs and ensure that students master concepts before they move on. Student support and attention is a critical part of Singapore Math and the distinct and structured approach prevents students from being left behind. Lessons are three-part, consisting of student learning, knowledge consolidation and application of concepts. Learning specific and focused math skills in each lesson, students are better positioned to achieve successful math results.

Challenges in the Ontario Curriculum

Ontario has a strong traditional education but falls short in its practices and approach to teaching math, frustrating students and parents as students struggle to overcome shortcomings in the foundations of math that make advanced concepts more difficult. Ontario teachers look to establish problems that fit curriculum expectations without firmly establishing the basic skills necessary for solving the problem first. Students and teachers spend increased amounts of time talking about math concepts instead of implementing guided practice and focused work to establish math strategies. Our program ensures that students get the right amount of consolidated practice and have adopted the use of a traditional math textbook that supports structured math learning, independence, and math confidence. InnovOak School uses tried and reviewed practices along with the innovation of Singapore Math to ensure the Ontario Curriculum standards are met and exceeded.

What Singapore Math Brings

Recent comparison of student learning using EQAO shows that Ontario students are struggling to achieve provincial standards in math. Since 2012, scores in both Grade 3 and Grade 6 have fallen on a regular basis. Comparatively, Singapore Math students have been the top performs in international math education comparison. Relying on the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) results, Singapore Math students have outscored Canadian students regularly and have been top performers since 1995.

InnovOak School implements the Singapore Math program due to its skill based nature. Students learn necessary and fundamental math skills first, then apply concepts to problems. The focused and structured approach establishes knowledge and then incorporates problems for application and retention of subject matter. Utilizing problem solving as a tool for skill acquisition, the program creates a feedback loop in which students understand the basic knowledge behind a math concept and are then able to apply that knowledge, improving the ability to effectively problem solve and reinforcing concepts. The application aspect of Singapore Math results in regular hands-on practice of concepts and problem solving.